Sales Page Breakdown: How One Coach Sells an $18,000 Info Product

Before you start reading this, if your first thought was, “Who the hell pays $18k for an info product?!”, then repeat after me:

“I am not the target demographic. This product isn’t for me.”

Alright. Just had to get that out of the way.

One of my favorite things to do is to pay attention to how people sell their products. Especially if I know that I’m being drawn in like a moth to a flame.

This time, it wasn’t me but friends of mine who were seriously mulling over whether or not to fork over the $18,000 for a school on how to be a life coach. One friend showed the sales page to her husband and he said the page made him want to be a life coach too, and he already has a career he loves!

Look, guys. If someone makes you want to hand over $18k, pay attention to how they do it, because that is amazeballs.

Lucky for you, I’ve done it for you here.

The info product we’re talking about here is Brooke Castillo’s Life Coach School. Besides being one of my friends’ favorite life coaches, she been trained by some of the best in online marketing and sales, and it shows. Click the link if you want to follow along…

How do you sell an $18k program?

First off,


They say it takes just as much effort to sell an expensive product as it takes to sell an inexpensive product, and this is true, to a point. But at the high-end, you need to consider what your customer is expecting. This is not a place to cut corners.

So first of all, this sales page is a series of high-quality videos. So high-quality, that the videos include actual reenactments of what the teacher is saying. I felt like I was watching a movie at a museum on life coaching. I can only guess that the creator hired a director, y’all. OMG.

The site is clean and bug-free. The aesthetic is simple with clear copy. Nothing about the sales process is interrupting the customer’s journey. Nothing.

Second, and most importantly:


All the copy in the video is so subtle and powerful, it pulls you through the sales funnel, lulling you straight through to your wallet. From start to finish, you can tell that the creator has done the work of learning about her customer, how to convert them, and exactly:

  • who her ideal customer is
  • where they are in their lives
  • what they want to do next and why
  • their objections and in what order those objections arise

You’ll see exactly what I mean as I go through her sales funnel.

Funnel Step One: THE EMAIL SIGN UP

Often times, when people are creating ad copy, it sounds like this:

“I have a product about teaching people how to be a life coach. I’m going to make the headline be, ‘What you need to know about being a life coach.'”

Go a step further. The creator isn’t just targeting people who know they are interested in being a life coach. Her copy targets people who have been thinking about being a life coach and haven’t even solidified that thought yet.

The way she gets you to sign up for her sales page is to say, “Have you ever wondered what the perfect career is? So have I, and I know exactly what it is. So enter your email below to find out.”

Do you see that?!?! She doesn’t talk about people who want to become life coaches. She knows that people who want to become life coaches are typically still looking for “the perfect career”. This program is not for people who already have and love their career. It’s for people who are still looking for their calling.

Also, she uses the psychological trick called the open loop. Besides relating to you by letting you know that she’s been in your shoes before, she leaves you wondering, “what is the perfect career and how does she know what it is?”

We are hard-wired to need closure and in order to get the closure we want, we’ve gotta hand over our email and get to the sales videos ASAP!

Funnel Step Two: Finding the Perfect Career

Alright, remember that your customer has given you their email because they’re interested in the promise you made, which was about finding the perfect career. It is important to signal to your customer that they’re in the right place. So the title of this video is “Finding the Perfect Career” and not “My Story” or “Get to Know Me”, even though the first video is all about how the creator discovered and became a life coach.

Don’t be afraid to be repetitive online. Repetition means congruency. Repetition keeps you and your customer focused on what’s coming. Repetition makes sales.

Now, in the first video, she doesn’t just tell you what the perfect career is. She takes you on her journey on how she found the perfect career, starting with something that happened when she was fifteen. This video does a few things at the same time:

  • It makes her ideal customer say, “That’s exactly how I felt! Me too!”
    • The story she tells touches on key things that her ideal customer has been through, thoughts and observations they’ve made, and even clues into the kind of lifestyle they have. Basically, if you identify with her story, this product is 100% for you.
  • It weeds out non-ideal customers
    • By telling a story that her ideal customer can relate to, she weeds out anyone who doesn’t relate. She’s already weeded out anyone who already loves their career. Now, this video subtly weeds out people who aren’t interested in self-help, don’t love Oprah or Byron Katie, and don’t have disposable income.
    • Nothing wrong with that last point, but remember, this is a high-end product. In her story, she makes zero references to financial scarcity, but she does talk about paying for college and being a stay-at-home mom with an SUV. Plainly stated, an $18k class is not for people struggling to put food in the fridge.
  • It ups the Know, Like, & Trust factor
    • While her ideal customer is learning how she found the perfect career, they are getting to know her. The more they relate to her, the more they like and trust her. She is positioning herself as someone who’s been there, done that and came through the other side, like a best friend with answers.
  • She primes the pump
    • Interestingly, many of the shots in this video feature a sign behind her that says “We can do hard things”. Her ideal customer is determined and committed and this sign prepares them to make a commitment to doing hard things from the beginning.

Funnel Step Three: The Secret That Makes It Work

Now that her customer knows that the ideal career is becoming a life coach, she gets them to the third part of the funnel by addressing the first objection to being a life coach: that so many people try to become life coaches and it never works.

Think about it: when you hear someone say, “I’m a life coach”, what is the first stereotype that comes to your mind?

It’s that they don’t have a real job!

So becoming a life coach sounds perfect if you can make it work. This video is all about addressing her ideal customer’s objections.

Notice that she addresses her customer’s objections in the order that they think them:

  • How do I know this is going to work?
  • How do I know I help my clients get results?
  • What if I don’t have experience or a college education?
  • What if I don’t like sales? Does this only work if I am willing to sell myself?
  • What if I have difficult clients that I don’t know how to help?

In answering these questions under the guise of telling you how to make a life coach career work, she also uses this as an opportunity to talk a little bit about the method she teaches. So now that her ideal customer knows who she is and that she totally gets them, they can learn more about how she works.

Talking about how she works further weeds people out by giving them a taste of what’s to come so they can decide if they like it. She explains how she came up with her framework, and to her ideal customer, it will simply make sense. Not to mention the incredible authority she builds by showing how she knows what she knows and starting to build proof that it works by briefly talking about not just her successes, but her students’ successes as well. So guess what’s next?

Funnel Step Four: Living The Dream

At this point, all of this sounds very exciting. It all starts to sound so exciting that her ideal customer starts to realize what a big leap it is and fear starts to set in

So video 3 is about Living the Dream.

In this video, she acknowledges that fear and doubt and tells her ideal client that it is perfectly normal. She has been prepping them to commit to making a big leap this whole time and been beside them every step of the way.

She talks about and shows specific people who have succeeded with her and in a genius move, her first example is someone who “didn’t believe she could do this” and “no one around her understood” her desire to become a life coach. So, she directly addresses her ideal customer’s doubts AND the doubts of those around them!

She continues on with multiple specific success stories because the best things for conquering fear and doubt in your customer’s mind is to make them feel like they can do this and will absolutely be successful.

She is literally piling on the proof here and building up the vision in her customer’s mind of what life on the other side of this school will be like, and then FINALLY names the price – $3k/month for 6 months.

Notice a few things here:

  • She hasn’t mentioned the price at all until Video 3
  • She gets people into the funnel by talking about the perfect career
  • She tells people her story and how she landed on life coaching as the perfect career in Video 1
  • She talks about how to make a life coaching career work and her framework in Video 2
  • And THEN in Video 3, after piling on the proof, she finally names the price.
  • AND the first time she names the price, it’s in installments.

“But what if my client thinks it costs too much?”

Besides making the cost just a teeny bit easier to mentally take on, Brooke goes on with a number of amazing sales moves when it comes to pricing.

First of all, she acknowledges the sticker shock. There’s no point in pretending there’s no push back, it just comes off as ingenuine. And don’t forget, she’s been priming her customer this whole time to make a commitment, do hard things, and make the leap.

Next, she quickly reframes the cost in terms of other investments her customer has likely made without blinking: a car, a house, college, retirement. Now the $18k is not the cost of an information product. It’s an investment that is going to make her customer money and give them the career and future they’ve been searching for.

Funnel Step Four: The Best School

Now for the last video – what is she actually selling?

This might sound crazy, but if you think about most sales pages you’ve ever landed on, the details of the information product are always at the bottom.

Now for the details. Watch how she describes what the course includes while simultaneously addressing many common objections :

  • She starts off by reminding you that she didn’t just pull this certification course out of the air. The course has been honed over the years through fire and sweat and trial and error. Also, she says is actively practicing as a life coach. So right at the beginning, she’s reestablishing credibility and authority.
  • The class is live and high-touch. She tells you that she is teaching the class herself live so that you can ask questions. This also addresses the objection of if you’ll be paying a ton of money for a bunch of videos and no real access to her. At $18k, you are literally buying access to her time and attention.
  • Once again, she talks about her framework. The point here is that her framework applies to all niches and types of coaches, addressing the objection of “Is this for me even if I only coach people who want to create organic food for their dogs with allergies?” (Weird example, I know, but that’s the point!)
  • Next, she mentions what you’ll learn in this school that literally can’t be taught out of a book, essentially saying that no amount of books you read on Amazon can teach you how to coach clients. You need this certification course!
  • In this video and throughout the course, you see small clips of her coaching, essentially getting a sample of the goods.
  • Her high-end, high-touch course also includes a weekly small group where you practice what you are learning so that you are also applying what you learning. There is also a monthly process where you are actually coaching clients as part of your certification.
  • Next, the course allows you to choose a track based on what you want to do with your new coaching knowledge – do you want to start an independent coaching business or use your new tools on yourself or as part of an existing business? This addresses the objection/thought that “Oh, this isn’t for me because she only focuses on people who want to start a coaching business. I only want mastery over the skills I have.”
  • Having a non-entrepreneurial track also makes the course sound appealing to people who are interested in this purely from the point of self-development.
  • Interestingly, it’s safe to assume that one of the scariest parts about starting a new coaching business is creating a website and she addresses that here as well.
  • Then she talks about how this course isn’t just about learning to become a life coach but to be able to coach yourself through any barriers between you and your goals.
  • AND she is hiring coaches for her own programs and customers! So, just think that you could get a career as a life coach without having to set up your own business. She doesn’t actually say that last part, but that’s pretty much what her customer is thinking. It isn’t actually necessary to finish every sentence in your customer’s head. It is necessary to be a part of the conversation they are already having in their mind.
  • The school offers a lifetime membership. So at this price point, you are still getting coaching support for the rest of your life. You don’t just get left behind once the six-month course is over. She continues to keep you on the cutting edge of the coaching industry.
  • There are “lots of referrals and lots of collaborations.” She basically keeps alluding to the idea that you WILL get clients and opportunities. She is doing everything in her power to let you know that you are not going to be paying all this money and not getting results.

The benefits and bonuses go on and on until she goes on to explain how you will be charged so there are no surprises while reiterating what you need to do mentally to decide whether this is the right investment for you.

“You are in for a lifetime of goodness, so to say.” -Brooke Castillo

Then she reiterates what you will be getting again, and walks you through the process of enrollment, including a physical package that is sent to your home.

Lastly, she ends with what pulled you in in the first place – for you to have the most perfect career you can have. And she finishes by saying,

“By this time next year, you could be a certified coach, living your life in the most perfect career.”

GUYS, she is finishing this funnel off strong. Her customer is going to finish watching these videos feeling like they are so close to becoming a successful life coach and that she is the one who will get them there with this course.

Interestingly, she doesn’t even offer a money-back guarantee because she basically does everything she can to guarantee you that you will be successful if you take this course.

So, how can you apply this?

If you paid attention to the process Brooke uses, the Sales Funnel Process goes like this:

  1. Get your ideal customer’s attention
  2. Build up their desire for the outcome your product is offering
  3. Make them feel like they are more than capable of achieving that outcome
  4. Justify the cost
  5. Tell them about the product.

So knowing that, start off by thinking about you and your product line.

  • How much do you want to make?
  • How many people do you want to sell it to?
  • What are you willing to do and give at that price point to make your product an absolute no-brainer?

Next, think about who your ideal customer is.

  • What are they going through just before they even want your product?
  • What is going on in their lives?
  • What are they really looking for at the end of the day?
  • What are are they thinking at each step of the sales funnel?

Then, use the answers to those questions to establish what you’ll be saying to your customer at each stage of the funnel.

  • How can you echo the conversation they’re already having in their mind in a way that grabs their attention quickly?
  • How do you tell your story in a way that echoes what they’ve already been through and how they got to where they are?
  • How can you quickly build trust and credibility with your customer? What kind of proof can you show?
  • How can you address their objections at every stage of the funnel?
  • What do you need to say, do, or give to make your product a no-brainer?

These questions work for every sales funnel, whether you use video, email, or a sales page. Although, at a lower price point, it isn’t necessary to go through so much detail.

More Than Just a Sales Funnel

What’s awesome is that this copywriting framework doesn’t just works for sales funnels. Right after breaking this funnel down for my girlfriends, one friend used it to re-write her about page!

So remember:

  1. Get your ideal customer’s attention
  2. Build up their desire for the outcome your product is offering
  3. Make them feel like they are more than capable of achieving that outcome
  4. Justify the cost
  5. Tell them about the product.

How will you use this to re-vamp your next sales funnel? Let me know in the comments.

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