The false starts.
Second guessing yourself.
A graveyard of unfinished products, courses, and ideas.
Everything you Want is Just On the Other Side of
Getting Unstuck
The false starts.
Second guessing yourself.
A graveyard of unfinished products, courses, and ideas.
Everything you Want is Just On the Other Side of
Getting Unstuck
You're in
the right place if....
- you’re a newbie coach or solopreneur.
- you keep buying classes but can’t seem to get your business off the ground.
- you can never quite settle on just one idea
- you need help seeing how everything fits into the bigger picture.
- you keep getting stuck on the tech and how to make it work together
- every time you start to make progress in your business something seems to go wrong.
- you’re having trouble putting together your main message and offer
- you’ve had a few clients but not in the areas you want to be known for.
- you are absolutely going to succeed because giving up is not an option.
keep reading,
'cuz here's the plan...
it's all about:
Your Message
Your Copy &
Your Roadmap Forward
Who am I?
My name is Sherelle Johnson. I’m a copywriting content strategist, head cheerleader, and professional ass-kicker with a Masters in Marriage & Family Therapy and an obsession with words that work.
I help beginner coaches get unstuck so they can take the next step in their online biz.
Basically, I'm a Business Therapist

What my people say
Sherelle's magical power is getting you unstuck and out of confusion...
Just knowing that I could reach out to her gave me the confidence I needed to go after my dream.
"Sherelle taps into where someone is stuck and what is going on in their mind really fast, and it just saves so much time."
Susie Connerley
"Had it not been for Sherelle I would’ve never started Macros Mindset. Just knowing that I could reach out to ask her anything gave me the confidence I needed to go after my dream.
I get to finally help women transform the way they think about themselves and their relationship with food for the rest of their lives."
I get to finally help women transform the way they think about themselves and their relationship with food for the rest of their lives."
Deedee Ballesteros
Nutrition & Fitness Coach
"Sherelle, you are an ANGEL. THANK YOU for fixing my problem and proving that I CAN have the exact vision for my website! You're the best!"
Shamia Casiano-Mest
Stock Photographer
"Sherelle's magical power is getting you unstuck and out of confusion. She drops truth bombs and what I like to call "Sherelle-y goodness" that get to the heart of what's keeping you stuck. Then she tells you exactly what you needed to hear to get you moving again.
She isn't afraid to call you on your ish, but it is always coupled with compassion and an understanding that she has been there and done that.
She isn't afraid to call you on your ish, but it is always coupled with compassion and an understanding that she has been there and done that.
Judith Gaton
Style Coach